How is Impacto Digital financed?
As we have been publishing for four consecutive years, we present our 2023 transparency report with the funding received and the impact indicators of each of our programs. It’s the perfect excuse not only to continue to uphold our commitment to transparency, but also to stop and evaluate what we have done and think about what is to come.
2023 will be remembered as a distinctive year in our regional expansion, always maintaining our essence and commitment to human rights, social justice and technological innovation. With the objective of making new alliances and implementing our solutions in the region, our work teams had presence in Costa Rica, Mexico and Colombia. The opening of our operations in Costa Rica in March was undoubtedly our special milestone: more than 25 meetings with strategic alliances, including international agencies, companies, activists and civil society organizations, which strengthened our mission and reaffirmed our commitment to the region.
This growth is not just about expanding our presence or increasing the number of projects, but about deepening our impact, strengthening our grassroots and ensuring that every step we take brings us closer to the material realization of better lives, which is the most fundamental conviction we hold.
This year’s work also took place in the context of an electoral cycle in Argentina and an exponential increase in anti human rights campaigns, where we faced the constant challenge of creating new narratives and making new alliances in the face of hate speeches that multiplied in social networks, the media, in the streets and in our most intimate spaces. This leaves us with the great challenge of continuing to weave alliances, generate meeting spaces, expand our work to new territories, convene new actors and continue to put the rights agenda at the center of the debates.
Closing this prologue without mentioning our activism would be to omit the essence of our work. Despite the difficulties we may face, our commitment to equality will remain unwavering, and in a world that is facing countless challenges, we believe our mission is more alive than ever.
In this sense, we thank each person who accompanies us in this commitment and we
propose to work closer than ever in the upcoming year: let’s think of projects together, try new articulation strategies, invent innovative advocacy campaigns and continue to design strategies that allow us to build societies that guarantee rights for all.
Impacto Digital Team
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General Data 2023
We are a non-profit civil association that works with social organizations, academic
institutions, companies, international agencies and States to develop and implement high-
impact technological and innovative solutions. Below you can see the funding received and
what we spent it on during 2023.
Funding Received in Digital Impact
International agencies and embassies.
USD 233.820,57
Individual donors.
USD 6.260,16
Foundations and companies.
USD 204.809,47
State institutions.
USD 2.548,39
Term deposits
USD 28.675,56
$ 147.595.385,39
USD 476.114,15
Impacto Digital Expenses
Institutional Roles
USD 62.868,22
Institutional Expenses
USD 19.818,78
Administrative and Accounting Expenses
Institutional Communication
USD 2.463,43
Institutional Development
USD 4.936,17
Human Rights Communication Campaigns and Projects
USD 67.990,34
USD 156.731,57
2024 Implementations
USD 127.602,39
Institutional Growth Fund
USD 22.903,74
USD 476.114,15
*Although the expenses were in Argentine pesos, they are expressed in USD for our international allies. The calculation is an estimate and is based on the average value of the official dollar in 2023 ($310).
2022 Programs Data

We seek to improve opportunities for social and labor insertion of Trans and Non-Binary (TNB) people. We open job searches, create links with companies, promote trans people’s enterprises and train companies, organizations and the State in Diversity and Labor Inclusion to guarantee diverse and safe work spaces.

Learn more at
Program income and expenses
*Although the expenses were in Argentine pesos, they are expressed in USD for our international allies. The calculation is an estimate and is based on the average value of the official dollar in 2023 ($310).
USD 75.872,88
USD 1.189,71
“En Código Trans” Project
USD 5.406,69
Festival for Trans Labor Inclusion.
USD 5.006,23
Employment Opportunities Area
USD 4.648,65
Projects and Implementations
USD 4.847,03
USD 11.936,22
“Diverse Action” Award
USD 1.071,04
Other Variable Expenses
USD 144,19
USD 110.122,64
A space conceived and designed for family members who accompany and care for dependent elderly people. We offer free training, talks, information on caretaking and support networks to accompany caregivers.

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Income and Expenses
*Although the expenses were in Argentine pesos, they are expressed in USD for our international allies. The calculation is an estimate and is based on the average value of the official dollar in 2023 ($310).
USD 13.727,75
USD 2.804,37
Web Development and Chatbot
USD 626,59
USD 17.158,71

We seek to combat racism and make visible the Afro populations that have been historically denied, in alliance and exchanges with organizations in Latin America and the Caribbean, so that the States implement public policies that allow us to imagine more inclusive and Afro-centered futures.

Learn more at
Income and Expenses
*Although the expenses were in Argentine pesos, they are expressed in USD for our international allies. The calculation is an estimate and is based on the average value of the official dollar in 2023 ($310).
USD 9.615,74
USD 641,29
Web development and technology
USD 521,11
Outsourced Fees
USD 2.638,49
USD 13.416,63

In alliance with FUSA A.C. we intend to contribute in guaranteeing Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) in Latin America through the strengthening of youth participation.
We carried out a regional learning process to strengthen the capacities of young activists on CSE; together with them we developed a digital magazine on the subject; we initiated a systematization on the situation of CSE from the perspective of local actors; we launched a communication campaign in the framework of the CSE anniversary; and we participated in the Juegos Nacionales Evita (National Evita Games) final, with a stand alongside UNICEF.
Learn more at
Income and Expenses
*Although the expenses were in Argentine pesos, they are expressed in USD for our international allies. The calculation is an estimate and is based on the average value of the official dollar in 2023 ($310).
USD 9.604,56
Outsourced Fees
USD 1.080,65
Communication and Outreach Expenses
USD 1.822,58
Travel Expenses
USD 1.063,32
USD 1.452,81
Administrative Expenses
USD 1.009,68
USD 16.033,60
Based on the agreement between organizations, the remaining budget is executed by FUSA AC.
Communication, design, technology services to promote human rights

From Impacto Digital we created a service area to respond to the needs of various agencies, international organizations and other institutions in the management of campaigns, courses, research, design, communication, education and technology consulting with a rights perspective and interdisciplinary approach.
Our goal is to accompany and amplify human rights discourses in the region, in an attractive and dynamic way, taking into account pillars such as inclusion, diversity and gender perspective.
Some of the institutions that trust in us: