About us

Who we are

Impacto Digital is a non-governmental and non-profit organization that seeks to develop technological and innovative solutions to social problems from a human rights perspective.

How we do it

We believe that if we put innovation and technological development at the service of human rights, we can boost the impact made by civil society organizations, international organizations, academia, governments, and companies and build a more just, equal, democratic, sustainable, and inclusive world.

Our distinctive approach is centered around the detection of concrete needs and the implementation of innovative, highly efficient, community-based solutions which, through technology, are reproduced and expanded allowing us to impact the living conditions of thousands of people.

Our team

Florencia Salvador

Flor is a lawyer and specializes in the institutional development of social organizations. She is a Salesforce senior consultant and advisor for the improvement and optimization of work processes. 

Sofía Raninqueo

Sofi is a communication specialist with expertise in gender and diversity. She is a communication and digital marketing consultant for United Nations agencies.

Fran Conci

Fran is a degree in Marketing and specialized in institutional development of CSOs. He is passionate about improving processes and strengthening organizations from a programmatic and territorial perspective.

Luciana Demichelis

Lu has a degree in teaching audiovisual arts (UNSAM) and a filmmaker (ENERC). She specializes in the design and management of communication and content strategies with a gender and human rights perspective. She works in education to enable and promote fairer and more equal societies.


Marian is a sociologist, a sociology professor, and a master's student in Gender Studies and Policies. For over ten years, they have been working in education for social transformation and the defense of Human Rights in both civil society and government organizations.

Luciana Azul Taborda

Lu is a career-oriented psychologist and senior recruiter. She was part of multidisciplinary companies providing tools that facilitate the well-being of the members of the organization. Activist for the rights and opportunities of the Trans / Travesti collective.

Flavia Diaz

Fla is a communicator (UBA) with an orientation in journalism. She trained and worked in advertising. During her time in agencies and projects related to human rights, she specialized in the press. Together with four partners (and her friends), she co-founded the communication agency Runrún.

Martina Ansardi

Marti is a gender and diversity advisor for companies, state agencies and international organizations. She is a leader in the Nadia Echazú trans movement and cofounder of the Generem association (Barcelona, Spain). 

Eugenia Urrere

Euge has a degree in administration (UBA), with a specialization in the management of social organizations (UCA). She has worked in various institutions, mainly small businesses, and has been working specifically in the administration of civil society organizations for the past 6 years.

Elian Placci Arditi

Eli is a social communicator (UNC) with a background in transfeminist gender perspectives and queer theory. He lives in Córdoba where he works in the development and design of economic and organizational strengthening processes for self-managed and community projects.

Victoria Bortnik

Vicky has a degree in Literature and is a popular educator. She participates in research groups on gender and human rights. She coordinates educational spaces for those excluded from the system and works in the institutional development of social organizations.


Gio is a graphic designer, community manager and illustrator, specialized in Gender and Queer Theory. He co-founder of the Non-Binary Assembly of Buenos Aires and Rosario. He graduated from the Diploma of Gender, Politics and Participation of the UNGS.

Aurora Baêta Neves Barbé

Aure is a philosopher with a Specialization in Contemporary Philosophy. She acted as a Philosophy teacher at various levels of education. She participated in the Specialization in Gender and Diversity at School as an Online Tutor.

Marian Moretti

Marian is an actress, English and Portuguese teacher, fitness instructor. She is co-founder of Mujeres Trans Argentina.


Anggie holds a degree in Computer Science and works as a software developer and educator. She specializes in designing and developing scalable and high-concurrency technological applications and infrastructures. In recent years, she has been involved in the development of technology projects with a social impact.



Paz has a degree in International Relations with a specialization in advocacy, currently studying a postgraduate degree in Human Rights and Social Responsibility. She works in the area of institutional development.


Dani is a Graphic Designer (UBA), Editor (UBA) and a collagist specialized in digital design. She works on the identity design for projects related to social problems and the defense of human rights.

Luz Carmen Grau Ventura

Luz is a teaching student. Her academic career merges with a deep dedication to the arts. Narrator of her own stories, performer, storyteller and spoken poet.

Manuel Aguilera

Manu is a sociologist, specializing in human rights and social innovation programs. He is a consultant for international cooperation agencies, such as UNESCO and the IACHR.

Our Steering Committee

Alfon Aguilera


Mailen Perez Tort

Mailén Pérez Tort





Briseida Milián Lemus




Our Costa Rica's Steering Committee

Susana Soto


Flor salvador

Vic President

Ignacio Alfaro


Alfon Aguilera


Doreen Fwambo

Board Member

Viviana Boza Chacon

Board Member

Why we do it

Because we can. But more than that, we are convinced that through technology we can foster social impact and access to rights as well as solutions to social issues that can be more effective, measurable, applicable, and sustainable over time. In this way, we can improve the everyday life of diverse communities.

We believe that new technologies are an opportunity for us and the various actors we work with to take on social issues and create collaborative, transparent, and large-scale solutions to build a more democratic, just, equal, sustainable, inclusive, and diverse society.

Trust us:

How do we get funding?

The only way to propel a transformative project is by being professional, responsible, and transparent. Take a look at our annual accountability report. 


Do you like what we do?

Since we don’t charge for our services, we sustain ourselves through contributions and voluntary funding. If you would like to see more of our work carried out, you can contribute here.

Can we help you make an impact?